Thursday, November 11, 2010


I didn't do anything last night but eat. sigh....

So today is a new day. If I can do right more days a week then not then I will be ahead of the game!

Today- Protein bar- healthy lunch of some sort (not sure what yet) and if I am I able to I will be going to zumba tonight. I have two sets of steps to do before saturday night to keep my goal of 50 trips twice a week. I WILL DO THAT!!! Perhaps I will do it tonight after zumba or instead of zumba if time does not allow me to go to zumba-

chicken for supper.... looking for new health recipes to try as well.

I don't think many people read this blog but for those who do- Hope it isn't too boring- I am using this as a journal of sorts to help get me and keep me on track! =)

until I blog again....

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