Thursday, November 4, 2010


Well, it has begun. My training... I am not really good at this nor do I really have a clue =) but I have begun.

My goal is to run enough steps to count as one tower worth twice a week for November. Then moved up to two towers in December, three in January, and four in feb and march. I am taking advantage of my class pass with the gym and plan to attend all the classes I can in a week. I realize that I can't just jump in with both feet and train 6 days a week immediately but I will do my best and work my way up. There are some classes with weights, spin bike, zumba, or a combo of some of these. I have a class or my stairs everyday of the week except Sunday.

I really think I will be doing well if I can keep as close to this schedule as possible. The other things I have going for me is that the actual event is only walking UP the steps and not down- during my training I will have to do both. Also- I am training in the mountain area and then going to Chicago so the air will be different. So those two can benefit me pretty well I think.

I have 50 cards at the bottom of the steps - when I get to the bottom I take a card and carry it to the top and put it in the bowl. I have half the deck face up and half face down so when I am half way done I know it! When I am done with 50 cards I gather my cards up and take them back downstairs for the next day I train steps. This makes my total steps in a workout for right now- 612 (one tower equals 585 stairs) I have thought about making 50 cards from card stock in four different colors and putting a motivational message on each one so if I am struggling I can read it and keep going! I need lots of ideas for motivational thoughts. Might have to ask on facebook.

So tonight is zumba- I have done one zumba this week and one set of stairs. Tomorrow is scupt and spin which I am really looking forward to - HONESTLY! I want some good weight training! =)

I am working hard to cut out the excess milk I drink and sugar intake. Again- I am not going cold turkey with either of these things but will improve on them as I go. I have gained a little weight but my body looks like I have gained A LOT. So with all my training I would imagine I will lose some weight and so come March 27th I hope to be looking and feeling better as well!

Until I blog again......

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