Thursday, December 24, 2009

On your Marks.....

We open our Christmas presents on Christmas Eve so let me tell you what I got. I am soooo excited!
I got a success habits book and workbook! I have read a good portion of the workbook and look forward to reading the book. Already, I can see how this can help me get moving as well as be a help with the support group!!! WOW!

I got a book titled "get motivated" helps you set goals and achieve them. An over all kind of goals... not weight related or money related I don't think... just any goals. So that will help me put goals in place and work for them!

Ty gave me two work out dvd's - Biggest Loser Workouts- sculpt and cardio. A six week program. This we will be starting jan 4th and I will only do upper body work for the first time around. After that I will be able to increase what I do as my foot allows. (having the right foot surgery on Dec 29). One of the boys gave me a book from biggest loser- success secrets. I will be using these stories for self motivation as well as in support group.

Another book I received was not weight related, but I am excited just the same. It is a fictional story written by a dear friend of mine. She was even so nice to write a personal message to me inside. She is so awesome. So I guess I will use this as my relaxation time. Perhaps read it next week while I am laid up post surgery!

I have spent a little time online tonight printing some articles on training.... marathon/running training. So reading will be a part of my training as I recover. OH one of the boys gave me a Biggest Loser calendar. I love it. He got me one last year too. I like those calendars. Lots of tips, motivation, places to write notes and goals, as well as check mark exercise and weigh ins.

So I am getting ready to go. I will probably need a new pair of shoes after the surgeries and healing time. Something with some more foot space and different stitching lines to avoid incision lines. That is what I will be asking for those for my birthday!

I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas, and I am working on those marathon goals. Got a lot of work to do, but I AM getting started!!!!!

until I blog again.....

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Feeling lots better!!!

WOW- this has been a hard month and a half or so. I have been feeling weaker and weaker as the weeks passed. I wasn't able to drink much or eat any thing. Popcorn and icecream with peanut butter cups has been my main stay for a while. Dec 14th a dr did another scope and stretched out my esophagus and pyloris. Food hasn't been much of a problem since! My biggest problem with it was today - I want to eat!!!! BUT my body needs some nutrition so I won't complain to much!

So - due to weakness- marathon training is on hold for a bit. I made a deal with another patient to try an at home simple 10 minutes a day work out program. So I will be doing that until after the first of the year then I will add the gym. I probably won't be using the gym much for january
due to my foot surgery on Dec 29th but I will work on upper body strength and walk some on the treadmill as I am able. SHHHhhhh Don't tell the dr I said that!

Ty found an eight week training program that puts it so you should be able to walk or run 2 miles in 30 minutes by the end. So that is a starting point!!!! Anything will help! I am hoping to do some short runs this summer and during the relay for life in July- I hope to run some on the track. last year I did ten laps where I ran the curves and walked the straight aways. I would love to run ten -12 straight laps. BUT I know I am asking a lot of my body at this point. I need to suck it up and prepare for this. NO EXCUSES (except my foot!) I need to make time for working out. I can do this. Ty is unsure if he will be able to run but we both have the same goal of losing 40 pounds so even if he can't run the marathon- he can lose weight.

I want to one day do well enough to push my son in his wheelchair while I run. That is a major major goal, but it would be an awesome one to accomplish!!! I was thinking about diaper changes for him during a marathon.... then I wondered about a bathroom for me!!! hmmm.... that would be important to me to know that! =)

Anyway- so I have not begun my training except the at home exercise I challenged someone to do with me. And I failed the first day! (yesterday) so I will do the routine twice today.

until I blog again......

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Are you ready for this?

You all know I am a biggest loser fan. Well, I was watching it this week and then the marathon. I looked at Ty and asked if he would want to run a marathon. So after a short conversation it was decided we will begin to train!

Can you believe it!!!??? I wish I could have seen the look on Lacey's face when she read that! Yes- I am going to begin training for a marathon. I am not making any promises at this point that I will run a marathon, but the intention is there for now! Perhaps I will come to my senses!! Perhaps not! HA

So, my training will be starting out slow because I am recovering from left foot surgery and will be having right foot surgery later this month. I will be doing mild stuff to try and get back into a routine. Then as the foot allows, I will increase my work.

Perhaps you are all asking what would make me want to think about doing such a thing. Lacey is sitting there saying "you go girl! you can do it!" She is my running cheerleader, and I think I am really going to need her while I train! HaHa ANYWAY- Why would I do such a thing... Why would I even think about doing such a thing? Here's my logical, psychotic answer: "biggest loser made me do it!" I watch week after week as people who are overweight workout with Bob and Jillian. I watch the work they put into it. I am amazed at their ability to overcome the weight, pain, and suffering as they do the work outs. All I can think is that I am not very much overweight, but I doubt I could workout like they do. How awful is that!? I am so out of shape. It just goes to show that weight and size isn't always the only contributing factors to health.

So, I decided to prove to myself that I can do it. I can accomplish something major. I am not in it to run the whole way - although I would like to. I am not in it to complete it by in a certain amount of time, although I will get to that point where I set a goal. I am not in it to win by being the first person across the finish line. I am in it to show myself I can do it. I can work towards a large goal, and I can make it. I can do this. I am not a big fan of running but I am a fan of meeting goals.

Join with me as I begin to train. It will be including many forms of exercise, eating right, running, blogging, crying, trying to give up, trying to succeed. I can do this.

until I blog again....