Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My goals

I am in a group on facebook- there are just a handful of us and it was originally for a six week body makeover- Rules: no talk of weight/weight loss.  the second 6 weeks we have been talking number goals. and I first thought weight but then people talked of numbers like "i want to work out 5 times a week" etc. well I couldn't decide on a number goal until after I was at the soda screamer. As I mentioned in the last post- people were recognizing me and talking about me and missing me at events.  SO my number goals:
1.)  13.1 in 7/2013 (star valley half marathon)
2.)  13.1 in 10/2013 (soda screamer half marathon- the first event we ever did!)

Now- in order to achieve such number goals I need to workout and train. I want to do this knowing I am as healthy as I can be. I know my blood sugars were not any where near where they are suppose to be and I also realized that my blood pressure has been borderline every time I have been to the doctor the last several times I have been there (so probably the last couple years). I decided it was time to face the music and go see the dr.  Love our dr! he asked what I was there for. I told him- I have goals. two big goals.... and told him of the half marathons. I said- I want to start working out and training, however I know my diabetes needs help and my blood pressure probably needs some help too. Told him that I knew I needed meds and planned to use them as my crutch until I can lose weight and get rid of it all (again) and that my focus is not weight loss - I am not going to stress the scales. I know that with everything else- that will be a bonus from it all.   He was very agreeable. No lecture and was pleased with my attitude. He told me he knows that I know what I am doing and that I have all the tools to do it- and that I just need to do it. I agreed and said that was the hardest part--- getting it done!  So he gave me an injection medication for my diabetes to add to my current medication. and some medicine for my blood pressure.  And told me I am good to go to work out.  I check in next wed and then see him again mid November. My medical goals:
1.) blood glucose in the normal range
2.) A1C in the normal range
3.) blood pressure in the normal range

So you might have caught on that I said a 6 week goal yet my goals extend to July 2014 and October 2014. My six week goal is to get everything set and ready to go to make those number goals and to get started!
1.) doctor visit  check
2.) follow dr's orders check
3.) gym membership  check
4.) exercise clothes (needed! my other pants were too thin to be wearing in public) check
5.) got a gazelle exercise machine for free! BONUS check!
6.) blog started for journaling and accountability check
7.) support from family and friends  - those who know about it and care check!
8.) update ipod for good music.... not done yet
9.) follow through with carpel tunnel surgery

Carpel Tunnel surgery? to walk a half marathon!? yup!! I am not suppose to push Christopher any more than necessary due to the carpel tunnel. So in order to push him next year in these events I need to have the surgery. I have carpel tunnel in both wrists but it is mild in the left. not sure the plan there but I have an appointment with that dr on wed.  Hoping to have one surgery right before Thanksgiving since Ty will have a long weekend to help.

Now in addition to these goals. I am strongly considering a 3day cancer walk!! I have all but said yes. I want to! I am scared to! So I will think on this a bit longer.

So there you have it! My goals! My plan!!! Now hopefully I can post lots of success stories and good progress reports!

Until I blog again.....

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