Friday, September 17, 2010


So I have been thinking a lot about not having made it to my goal, and then last night I was asked why people don't make it to their goal. I have many thoughts on this but for me I think it is because I am no longer consumed with my weight and food.

Before it was wake up think about food- think about how fat I am - wonder if anything will fit me. Wonder if people will notice me worry that people will, worry that people won't. Worry if I will embarrass my kids....

Now it is- what is on my to do list today? make breakfast for Christopher, lay out his clothes, get to work, do paper work, take care of this and that, oh- have a protein bar for breakfast, work, etc. Food and my weight is not my worry, my concern, my all powering thoughts....

I am not to my goal as far as weight, people probably see me and wonder if I will ever make it to my goal, but the day I decided that this surgery was for me, my goal was to get rid of diabetes, high blood pressure, and to be able to take care of Christopher when he is an adult and not have to put him in a home because I was too fat to take care of him...

diabetes- GONE
high blood pressure - GONE
ability to take care of my own child- IMPROVED!!!
need for a home for him- GONE
(now if he was just a bit shorter! and cooperative sometimes- I would have it made!)

So my goals are met. the goal weight, the skinnier body- icing on the cake HA and we all know I don't always need the icing! HAHAA!

Until I blog again.....

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