Well, I am in Illinois. My uncle passed away after a brief but ugly illness. We are thankful he went quickly and didn't have to suffer from the illness for long. We are all very shocked at the fact that he is gone though, age 53. What a man. I can hear him laughing in my mind though. He had quite the laugh. the kind that makes you know he is in the crowd if you didn't see him! It's like a recording playing over and over again in my head. A pleasant memory.
I flew into chicago yesterday and then waited there for my aunt connie to arrive from her flight. While I waited I got to thinking... I hope she and I recognize each other. She had the gastric and has lost a lot of weight. We have seen pics of each other but not seen each other face to face. She got off the plane and we hugged and she said "I was afraid we wouldn't recognize each other" ha! too funny!
She and I have shared some stories. Things like how fun it is to fit in an airplane seat!!! That is so wonderful!!! She said she was next to two big men and she offered to scoot over a bit... one guy said he was glad there weren't three big people and she was thinking "i used to be" then she was telling me about going to the chiropractor and he said her hips were out of line and after seeing her cross her legs said it might be due to sitting like that for a long time. She told him she couldn't do that until recently! What fun! My chiropractor called me a little petite housewife.... i don't know what else he said in that sentence!! HA I shared my shadow dancing story.
We shared with each other the foods we can eat and can't eat. Shared our hiccup habits. Shared some other stories. We have been sharing stories of drs, kids, uncle paul, looking at pictures.... found a picture of my grandma flying her kite. that is my favorite memory of her. You can see her and the kite string... i am going to hang it on my wall and put a small kite up too i think!!
next week I am going to get on the climbing wall!! Something I wanted to try but figured I was too fat to do until now. So I am going to give it a try! Hope I can make it to the top!!! that would be awesome! (I have no arm strength!! HAHA) Will try to post pics next week!!!
until I blog again....